
50 Things about me!

50 things about me:

1. I was born in 1978
2. I was born in Oklahoma (but never lived there)
3. I have lived in KS, CA & MO
4. I've been to Hawaii
5. My biggest fear is flying
6. I've been on 6 airplanes
7. My favorite food is Italian
8. My favorite color is purple
9. I get grumpy when I'm tired
10. I am very forgetful
11. I forgot this one
12. I am a horrible singer
13. I sing at home and in the car
14. I like to take a shower every morning
15. I like to take a bath every night
16. I am a people pleaser
17. I don't like most types of candy
18. I love dark chocolate
19. I love kids and the elderly
20. I take over 1,000 pictures a year just of my kids
21. I can't smell
22. I seldomly wear makeup and jewelry
23. I go to church
24. I am the youngest of 4 children
25. I'm a daddy's girl (see #24)
26. I met my husband at work
27. My first "real" job was at a grocery store
28. My first car was a Chevy cavalier
29. I bite my nails
30. I collect coins
31. My favorite seasons are Fall and Winter
32. I survived an F4 tornado
33. I've worn glasses since I was 8
34. I do spring cleaning twice a year
35. I wear size 7 shoes
36. My favorite feature is my hair
37. I don't wear my wedding ring
38. I am not a procrastinator but I am married to one
39. I drink coffee
40. I love watching my son play baseball
41. I am an over protective parent
42. I love peanut butter on chocolate ice cream
43. I prefer tea over pop
44. I don't like apple juice
45. I had one wisdom tooth pulled
46. I am super easy to please because it's the thought that counts
47. I don't like scary movies (they scare me)
48. I love house plants
49. I hate gardening
50. I love classic Disney cartoons


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