
About Me

 Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Raelynn and I am a happy married mother of two. I have a fifteen year old daughter who recently got her drivers permit (oh no!) and a nine year old son who knows more about technology than I do (he gets that from his dad). My husband is a tech guru and I couldn't do what I do without him (smooch, smooch). I also have a seven year old chihuahua named Chica (don't tell her she's a dog). Chica is like my third child, she's more like me than my kids are (she loves to sit by the fireplace and snuggle with a soft blanket).

 My hobbies are cooking, cleaning, crafting, genealogy, shopping, blogging and taking pictures of my family. I love spring cleaning...that's when I get to pull everything out of the closets, cabinets and under beds and re-organize the whole house (I even do the garage). I am totally addicted to Pinterest! there are so many cute things I want to do. I like to find a good recipe and then tweak it to fit my family's taste buds. When it comes to food my motto is quick and easy (quick on time and easy on the budget). I also like the organizing tips and crafts I find on Pinterest. Maybe I will blog about them sometime. If your dying to know more about me than check out my 50 things about me blog here.


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